Hall Across the Country is a mental health advocacy nonprofit headquartered in Ohio, and founded in March 2022, and incorporated in 2024. We strive to empower others with mental health battles by providing insight from lawmakers, mental health providers and others who have fought through mental health struggles.
Hall Across the Country Began in 2022
In 2022, Hall Across the Country founder, and president, Joe Hall trekked 3,176 miles from Rehoboth Beach, Delaware to Ocean Beach in San Francisco between May and November. He walked to advocate for mental health and suicide prevention, while helping to raise money for behavioral health at Children’s Hospital in Dayton, Ohio, in honor of his friend’s son, who took his own life in 2020 at sixteen.
Throughout the walk Joe was introduced to folks from all walks of life, who had been impacted with various mental health battles. From depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia to suicide ideation and others who had lost loved ones to suicide. It was building these stories that enlightened Joe to try to connect with as many people as possible on a personal level.
Hall Across the Country Now
Upon completion of the walk, Joe was seeking a way to continue doing work for mental health, and trying to help others. This, along with the encouragement from multiple friends led to the establishment of Hall Across the Country as a nonprofit.
The early stages of Hall Across the Country will be a 48 state walk beginning May 15, 2024. Joe will be stopping in each state capital in the contiguous United States to talk to lawmakers about mental health among their constituents. En-route to each capitol, we are hoping to meet with mental health providers to give perspective, and perhaps methods for dealing with some aspects of mental health at home. Finally, we hope to encourage others to be brave and share their stories of success, struggle, and loss with regards to mental health, in order to build a community of supportive people uplifting each other.
Once the walk is complete, Hall Across the Country will be compiling data from throughout the walk and begin shifting focus in the mental health field to affect as much positive change as possible.
Anticipated Routing
Meet Our Team
Joe Hall
Founder, President
Mike Berlon
Bill Bates